In-Kind Donations

While financial contributions allow us to allocate resources where the need is greatest, we do accept in-kind donations. We are in an ongoing need of the following: (New items only)
- Pillowcases (white)
- Twin sheets (white)
- Twin fitted sheets (white)
- Towels (white)
- Washcloths (white)
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Soap/Body wash
- Lotion
- Razors
- Feminine products
- Shaving cream (men)
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrushes
- Deodorant
Baby items:
- Bottles
- Formula
- Diapers
- Baby wipes
- Baby shampoo/wash
- Crib sheets (white)
Clothing (all must be new with tags in order to be accepted):
- Dress shoes (men and women)
- Interview-wear
- Socks
- Underwear
- Seasonal clothing (i.e. hats, gloves, scarves for winter)
- PC Desktops, Intel Core i3, i5 and Core i7, generation 5 and above)
- Monitors 21″ 1920 x 1080
Large Storage Bins
New Kitchen Equipment
New Transportation
Volunteer Needs
- Food Pantry
- Pantry Prep
- Painting projects
- Urban Garden
- Education projects (i.e. teaching a class, offering expertise)
- Workforce Development projects (i.e. interview skills)
- Individual project
- Events
- Clerical work
- Events
For infection and pest control reasons, we require all donations of fabric items to be new. We are also accepting financial contributions to allow us to purchase new blankets, bedding, mattresses, and plastic mattress covers.