Chicago’s A Safe Haven Foundation Receives Generous Gift of PPE Supplies from TECO


(Chicago, IL) Dec. 17, 2020—Responding to the ongoing tremendous need for personal protective equipment (PPE) amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Chicago has donated 500 isolation gowns to help keep workers, volunteers, and the vulnerable safe at A Safe Haven (ASH). ASH is a Chicago-based 501 ©3 nonprofit dedicated to ending homelessness.

“On behalf of A Safe Haven Foundation, we are extremely grateful for the partnership that we have had with TECO,” said ASH’s President and Co-Founder Neli Vazquez Rowland. “Ever since we met, they have taken a keen interest in supporting our approach to address and heal the root causes of poverty and homelessness for our most vulnerable neighbors in crisis, especially our military veterans.”

She continued, “As Director-General Eric Huang of TECO has accepted a diplomatic position to represent Taiwan in Latvia, we appreciate that as a parting gift he stopped by to donate 500 PPE supplies to help us continue our frontline efforts to help prevent, stop the spread, and help heal our patients during the pandemic. Under his leadership and contributions, together we definitely have a made a big impact on the lives of those in need. We wish him well and we look forward to working with the TECO team and meeting the new leader to continue the mission soon!”

ASH is dedicated to keeping everyone safe and the cost of PPE can quickly cut into a budget. That is hard to bear at any time but is even more challenging when people are struggling with homelessness more than ever before and the pressure on resources is at an all-time high. These circumstances put an extra focus on the kind donors who continue to faithfully support the efforts of ASH.

Eric Huang, Director-General of TECO, commented, “Taiwan is a successful model in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. We always encourage the Taiwanese community to make contributions to American society, and we are glad that the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago can facilitate the donation of 500 isolation gowns by the Taiwanese American Association of Greater Chicago (TAAGCC) to A Safe Haven Foundation to help combat COVID-19. Taiwan can help and Taiwan is helping.”