Chicago’s A Safe Haven Foundation Makes an Impact in the ACCSC 2012 Community Service Awards
Illinois Center for Broadcasting Named Winner of Community Service Awards for 2012 Documentary
CHICAGO, Sept. 12, 2012 — Chicago’s A Safe Haven Foundation is once again in the news as the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools & Colleges (ACCSC) named the Illinois Center for Broadcasting‘s Chicago Campus the winner of Community Service Awards for 2012. ICB was recognized for making an outstanding contribution in the local community through continued work for one of the nation’s leading foundations dedicated to the homeless.
The students’ involvement in the creation and production of a thirty minute documentary aboutA Safe Haven was the determining factor for the Commission in selecting the school as the winner of the award.
ICB competed against 1400 schools across the U.S., where the school’s documentary was reviewed by the ACCSC and received critical acclaim from the Commission.
“The students and faculty from the Illinois Center for Broadcasting are leaders in our community and the industry. We are thankful for all of the support the ICB has given us through the years. It is touching to see the work we do for the homeless and veterans across the country documented for our supporters. We look forward to a continued relationship for years to come,” commented Neli Vazquez-Rowland, Founder of A Safe Haven Foundation.
ICB students supported A Safe Haven mostly by providing much needed assistance with public relations and developing social media outlets to expand the organization’s outreach. The ICB students were also instrumental in facilitating and documenting the RUN! to End Homelessness, one of Chicago’s fasting growing 5k charity events.
“The Illinois Center for Broadcasting Chicago Campus has made a commitment to the Chicago community to produce video productions that showcase the best in public service. That is in part why our students were pleased to produce a thirty minute documentary on the fine work that A Safe Haven performs to aid Chicago’s homeless and veterans who need our assistance,” commented Bill Natale, Executive Director at Illinois Center for Broadcasting, Chicago Campus.
The documentary was aired four times on Cable Access Network Television. Students and faculty members also worked with the Peterson Garden Project, the Chicago Loop Alliance, Pan America Performance Works (theater), and created ICB Military Digital Care Packages, along with other community service activities.
Kim Lucatorto, Co-Education Director at the Chicago Campus, will represent ICB at the award ceremony being held this September in San Diego, CA. Lucatorto worked diligently with the students on the submission of the nomination packet, which highlighted the school’s public service involvement.
A Safe Haven helps people aspire, transform, and sustain their lives from homelessness and provides the tools for each individual to overcome the root causes of homelessness through a holistic, scalable model. For more information on A Safe Haven and programs available for the homeless, underserved, and veterans, visit www.ASafeHaven.org.