American Parole and Probation Association 2014 Conference

American Parole and Probation Association

Social Financing Panel

A Safe Haven, Third Section

Harvard Social Impact Bond Lab


Sunday, August 3; 1:00 P.M.— 4:00 P.M.




“Great Program … Now, How Do We Fund It? Promising Social Impact Bond and

Social Entrepreneurship Models for Community Corrections”


Neli Vazquez Rowland will present “The Safe Haven Model: Reducing Crime and Recidivism by Leveraging Innovative Public/Private Partnerships at the 2014 American Parole and Probation Association Conference in New Orleans.

Research has made it overwhelmingly clear that smart, front- end investments in services for parole/probation populations not only reduce crime and recidivism, but long-term government costs as well. Despite this fact, the reality of increasingly tight budgets makes it nearly impossible for governments to make the kinds of front-end investments needed for effective prevention.

Scheduled to present on Sunday, August 3, 2014, attendees will hear about innovative public/private sector models that have emerged to address these types of budget challenges which will include Chicago-based A Safe Haven, as presented by it’s co-founder and president, Neli Vazquez Rowland; who has developed nationally-recognized social entrepreneurship and affordable housing models that leverage state-funded services for probation/parole populations with private sector investment to achieve greater employment outcomes and sustainable housing for clients. The conference will run from August 3 – 6, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency, New Orleans.

Other panelist in this session includes: Harvard University Social Impact Bond Lab and Third Sector Capital Partners. The states of Massachusetts, Illinois and New York as well as New York City have launched promising Social Impact Bond or “Pay for Success” models that will generate multi-million private sector and foundation investments into reducing recidivism among adults and juveniles. The projects are performance-based, and only require repayment after they have achieved agreed upon levels of savings and success.