A Safe Haven Shows Thanks with a Turkey Giveaway
CHICAGO, IL. November 21, 2012: A Safe Haven is proudly supplying you with all you need to have a very special Thanksgiving with family and friends this year. On November 21, 2012 from 10:00am-1:00pm, A Safe Haven will provide a turkey with all the fixings for a festive Thanksgiving feast. Make sure you arrive early to A Safe Haven Food Pantry (2750 W. Roosevelt Road Chicago, IL 60608) as supplies are limited and are first come, first serve.
A Safe Haven is partnering up to make this giveaway possible. Thanksgiving supporters include: Derrick Rose – Chicago Bulls, Carlos Boozer – Chicago Bulls, Kobe Bryant – Los Angeles Lakers, Sergio Brown – Indianapolis Colts, Corey Maggette – Detroit Pistons, Elton Brand – Dallas Mavericks, Lindsey Brown – Linia Financial, Mark Hopkins – Hopkins and Associates, Karl Spektor – Mod Construction, Tim Yarbrough – Yarbrough Investments, Lenny “Coffey” Weston, Reggie Rose, Jennifer Christenson and Melarie Marie Gonzales. Thanks to their generous support, A Safe Haven will be able to make a positive impact on the lives of so many this holiday season.
A Safe Haven helps people aspire, transform and sustain their lives from homelessness to self-sufficiency with pride and purpose. They work to provide the tools individuals need to overcome the root causes of homelessness through a holistic, scalable model. Since being founded in 1994, A Safe Haven has served more than 32,000 clients and provides services daily to 1,200 residents. A Safe Haven’s goal is to unite families, stabilize neighborhoods and create vibrant, viable communities for their residents.
The holiday season is all about giving back to those in need. A Safe Haven residents residents need support from community members like you even more this time of year. A Safe Haven gives many options for donations, including in kind donations and a benefactor program. Turn your holiday parties or work functions into charitable events that help our residents during when they need it most. To donate to A Safe Haven, go here: http://asafe.s400.sureserver.com/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=9
To learn more about A Safe Haven Foundation visit: www.asafehaven.org. Join our benefactor program here: https://www.asafehaven.org/.