A Safe Haven Foundation Welcomes New 2014 Advisory Board Members
May 12, 2014, Chicago, IL. The A Safe Haven Foundation is proud to welcome some of Chicago’s top business and industry leaders to their Advisory Board. A celebration meeting was held at a meeting held at Riva’s Restaurant at Navy Pier on Monday, May 12, 2014. The slate of new Advisory Board members include : Larry Bonistalli, David Brint, Chad Coe, Larry Coffey, Bill Durkin, Bill Farber, Joseph Ginsburg, Steve Goldstein, Kelly Gumbiner, Steven Hartenstein, Bob Kauffman, Karamath Kahn, Jim Kelly, Ken Koester, Alyse Lasser, Bob Mallo, Jill Narens, Neli Vazquez-Rowland, Brad Schulman, Bill Walsh, and Harold Washington. The new members are joining existing ASHF Advisory Board members that include: Ret. US Army General Peter Fuller, Dr. Arthur Lurigio, Lynn Orman, Harold Owens, Judge Jesse Reyes and Brandon Smith.
“It is a great experience working with A Safe Haven and helping to bring attention and awareness to such a great Chicagoland charity. By working with A Safe Haven, the best part is the rewards of seeing our collective efforts truly transform the lives of so many people that we get to meet and for many that most thought were beyond hope, is truly a powerful experience for us to witness.” Chad Coe, newly elected President of A Safe Haven Advisory Board.
The Advisory Board is growing and becoming reflective of industry leaders who will provide informed guidance and to serve as a tremendous allies in the quest of addressing the issues of homelessness and poverty in our communities and to encourage superior corporate leadership, partnerships and engagement. Neli Vazquez Rowland stated, “I am inspired and totally speechless about the ‘magic’ this group is committed to make happen on behalf of humanity. We welcome and thank them all for their commitment to service and social and economic impact.”